Subject: Re: Notable Presidential Speeches...
MAGA doesn't get a populism pass just because they think trump's unconventional trait in things that don't really matter will translate into something positive for things that do matter.

it seems quite the opposite has been demonstrated...trump being a multiple-decade failure across many businesses (although with trump branding as its only core asset) translated into some of the worst foreign policy negotiations ever initiated
- wasteful and antagonizing relocation of embassy in israel (looks like we didnt get peace forever)
- iran nuclear deal termination (we didnt intimidate them into being our BFF)
- NAFTA meaningless rewrite (sound&fury)
- N.Korea kill then kiss diplomacy (nothing helps instability like more instability)

i would say say we economically squeezed our true friends (japan, etc...) much harder than deserved, because they will be faithful allies to america in almost any incarnation. and trump was at least 2 terms late to the game for trying to get NATO to pay was russia that finally convinced them.