Subject: Re: Investing with an eye on rising authoritarianism
I don’t have any real insights as to your question but will just share my perspective on the topic broadly

My family history includes some troubled times in Europe and my grandparents came to my European country as immigrants after WW2. Everything was lost in the move. I am perhaps biased because of this but my antennas are picking up far higher risk of potential capitalist unfriendly futures in some European countries compared to the US.

I have the majority of my capital invested in the US and I live off of my portfolio. I view the US as one of the countries in the world that is running the least risk to crumble (together with perhaps a handful of other nations including my own but these other countries are far smaller, less independent and with smaller defense budgets)

The US is also in the top when it comes to having lots of people in the same boat as me, with their lives organized and planned around a functioning capitalist system. They also stand to lose in the worst case should the system fall apart. Many of these other people are also a hundred times richer than me with a lot of influence.

The world and its impact on the US has always been uncertain and I don’t believe that the current era is more uncertain or pose more serious risks to the US compared to any other time the last 100 years.

I also feel that I am only a small part of this world and have decided to play the board as best I can the way the board is set. If that board gets ripped apart I will have other worries that goes beyond financial.

Sum it all up and I guess I have adopted a kind of blissful ignorance to US political instability or whatever I should call it. Helps me focus on the other things in front of me and overall I probably have a happier life because of it.

Interestingly, ignorance has generally been probably the best strategy so far if we look back at all the other risks posed over the last 100 years. Having said that maybe I am just like the turkey who feels that its world is the least risky it has ever been the day before thanksgiving.