Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
I probably should have said "most".
Most sermons I have heard pick little bits from the OT, but mostly emphasize the NT. And then they cherry-pick that to portray Jesus as mild, meek, and even-tempered. Not much on "bring a sword", or going postal in the Temple, or irrationally cursing a tree. They also gloss over the bit that Jesus was expecting end-times during his lifetime (hence the "drop everything and follow me, give no thought for tomorrow" -paraphrased-).
Then there are the extremists, like my fundy ex-coworker. He insisted every word of the bible was absolute truth. If it contradicted the bible, it was wrong (no matter the evidence). He once told me that the order to kill Midianites was never rescinded, so if someone was found to be a Midianite he would be obliged to kill him/her by divine command.
He was otherwise a really good electrical engineer, but this part of his life was just crazy (IMO).