Subject: Re: DG on sale today
Dare we ask, is this a similar 'pound the table' moment as we saw with DLTR IN Fall 2021? :)
I haven't done a detailed calculation sufficient to to compare my estimates of the DG prospects now and the DLTR prospects then.
But generally, yes. Arguably DG is the better firm, too.
DG at $151.46 as I type.
Super simplified outlook for the degree to which this is a good moment: I'm pretty sure it's going to hit $250 a share fairly soon.
I think that will happen soon enough that it will offer a fine rate of return, with essentially no visible risk of permanent loss of capital.
Here's a really bad reason to buy now:
In the last 12 years or so it hasn't traded at under 19 times trailing headline earnings for more than 15 months at a stretch.
If that rule held, it's a 1/3 upside in a little over a year, even with flat earnings!
For those who for some reason don't like buying before the knife has finished falling, check out this chart.
Simple: don't buy till there is a bit of an up-trend for at least a few days.
This is a graph of the ratio of the price of DG to the average S&P 500 firm.
A horizontal line means it's tracking the market, as it was (more or less) 6-12 months ago. But definitely not lately : )
I suspect there are some speculative call options you could purchase today that will provide ten baggers.
(speculative in the sense that if the price remains flat you lose all your capital at risk)