Subject: Re: when the honorable Sanders tells the
Doesn't matter.

Bernie Sanders is merely a vehicle for White Liberals to feel good about themselves.

These people grew up pretending that the just wanted peace love pot and would live on brown rice and a backpack.

They pretended to care about fairness, equality, blah blah blah.

Of course they then went to schools that gouge and exclude.

They got haircuts, and they went on two kiss the ring of The Man, and become Corporate Sellouts and the S/P 500 along with their sacred 401K became their deity. As if that wasn't enough they made sure not only to segregate themselves into Liberal Enclaves and protect their overpaid jobs from immigration, they made sure to perpetuate policies and a culture that allows them dominion over whole constituencies ---where they can be slave owners and keep those constituencies locked in inner cities, full of fear and loathing.

And once in awhile Club 401K feels guilty about it so they vote Bernie in the primary so they can look in the mirror and remember how they loved Communism and the Soviet Union and how shouting "$15 an hour!" shows they are so nice and generous.

Then they go for the corporate candidate, and continue filling the 401K on the backs of *real* businessmen, exploited consumers and exploited foreign workers.

They've spent a lifetime pissing on John Lennon's grave and this week their embrace ofd Dick Cheney and Goldman Sachs - is official.

Their lives - politically - meant nothing other than being corporatist Republicans and warmongers.