Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
That what liberals see in Chinese restaurants over here isn’t necessarily what’s a part of the cuisine over there.
And you think liberals are the only ones susceptible to such distortions in perception?
Right now we are deluged with MAGA nonsense claiming that Hatians are eating dogs and cats.
And I’d be willing to bet that more people in Alabama than in New York or SanFrancisco consider Panda Express to be gen-you-wine Chinese cuisine.
Bill Z (who spent many evenings sitting on the floor in a housing project in Galveston, eating gen-you-wine Vietnamese food cooked by real-life Vietnamese). And many a Sunday afternoon after church eating potluck courses prepared by Gen-you-wine Koreans whose congregation worshipped in our facilities a couple hours after our congregation.
Which is only mentioned to say- cut the crap with your “liberals believe and do this” routine. FOXnews is famous for finding an idiot, somewhere, doing something strange- and then generalizing that behavior to “liberals”. Hell, they can even take a Trump voting Republican and swear up and down that he was doing the bidding of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. And double hell- they can even take a mob waving Trump flags storming the capitol and swear it was ANTIFA.
So, no, forgive us if we are not quick to believe your take on what liberals believe about food