Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
I find atheists often know more about -for example- xianity than xians do.

As a Christian, I find my faith guides me on how to live MY life. It doesn't give me permission to tell others they must live THEIR lives based on MY interpretation of MY faith. I'm pretty sure most other faith systems are similar. Almost certainly Judaism and Islam - at least from my partial understanding of those faiths.

Way too many folks in this country don't seem to grasp this simple concept. They want to use their faith to control others and tell them how to live, rather than control themselves and live according to their own faith. They use faith as a cudgel to beat others into submission instead of demonstrating how practicing their faith helps them to live better lives for themselves.

I some ways, I suspect you are living a more Christian life than some professing Christians. You're thinking about others and making them comfortable rather than forcing your choice of non-belief on them. And you're open to discussions of faith/non-faith in the right settings and situations, again with courtesy as the main concern.
