Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
The swampiness operates just fine while remaining within the constitutional boundaries. It is reflected in the day to day decision making and priority setting by certain leadership who let their politics color the performance of their agency. A prime example is the FBI seizing the laptop and propagating the fiction it was a Russian plant until well after the election.
Swampiness is also reflected in responsiveness to congressional requests for data or proposals based on which side of the aisle is doing the asking. Investigations drag out and bog down because every tiny little thing is resisted by the agencies holding the information.
Barack Obama was a horrid President, and one of the worst things he ever did was to load the federal bureaucracy with partisan. IIRC they set a record at the time for Hatch Act violations.
One of my favorites was how they had the EPA abuse the "Waters of The United States" statutes. If you had so much as a puddle in your back yard they would come down on you.