Subject: Re: SIRI
SD, this is very true, I combine 6 month lists with current 52 week lows and my own thorough assessment of the business (metrics and moats) I call that the M&Ms, then pick what I consider to be the best out of that.

Many super investors picks do not stack up. This may be because they are looking at too much diversification? (however sometimes they really pile in)

This review therefore also needs to be combined with looking at what percentage of overall assets a buy makes up in their fund.

The way I've used the lists is more to create my own watch list of quality companies to watch, undertake my own assessment of IV and buy when they are attractively valued IMO.

Investments I've made using this approach historically include, Alphabet, Meta, Starbucks, Nike, PayPal, Disney, and some of the Chinese ADRs such as BABA,JD and YUMC (those are looking better now, bought into the Ray Dalios sales pitch too much 😂) the recent rally and some sales mean I've come out ahead but you also have to think of opportunity cost.

I'm still puzzled why Dalio was talking up China so much then selling and buying US stalwarts like Walmart? Watch what they do and not what they say?