Subject: Re: Hell Freezes Over
What triggered this fight over Amendment D? A fight over a prior initiative in which the citizens voted for a non-partisan process to handle re-districting which was immediately fought by the Republican-dominated legislature. That initiative was passed in 2018 and the Legislature immediately worked to repeal it and ignore it. That triggered lawsuits that have been stuck in court ever since. As the above article cites...

Utah...where I live. : (

This is the kind of crap you get when one party has managed to get a stranglehold on state politics. Utah is a red state, but not as red as it appears from the elected officials. Gerrymandering has been grossly abused in Utah. The majority of voters said they wanted non-partisan districts. The Republicans just said 'too bad' voters, we're going to ignore your successful ballot initiative.

The arrogance.