Subject: Re: BRK Organization After Buffett? An Opinion
That is an excellent point and who knows how it will play out.
I'm also more than curious about Todd Combs in regard to him being the CEO of Geico. As time goes on this seems like it might be a permanent position.... unless I missed it, I'm surprised that no one has asked at the AGM if Todd's appointment is temporary or permanent?
If it's permanent then I guess the Geico CEO gig is no longer considered a full-time job? Lol
But how can you really run Geico, be one of three (will be 2 at some point) money managers running the massive Berkshire portfolio, sit on two or three BOD's including JPM and have to do all that plus have a life. I know Buffett seems to enjoy saying that we manage to the point of abdication but seriously?