Subject: Re: more fun is South China Sea
Well, the Philippines left Sabina shoal after 5 months, and they ram another ship. We are working out when we come in. China wants to stay shy of causing a war, but they may cause to come in and increase our presence. It isn't clear just how much control they have over the fishing boats out there. Vietnam has been hardened toward China, and Vietnam is reclaiming the shoals, building their own islands. I don't think the Philippines has the money to do that.

China reneged on the infrastructure funding for Duterte, but they were muscling the Philippines before that. We now have more bases there, but we wanted to build a radar complex on the west side of Palawan island that never happened. Sabina is off the western end of Palawan, and Muslims live on that western part of the island.

China recently flew a jet into Japanese air space, lays claim to some southern Japanese islands.