Subject: Re: Priorities
We are instead in the realm of feelings and shared hatreds and those cannot be argued rationally.
I think that's what a lot of this comes down to. That's most of the convict's support. Perhaps not all of it, but most of it. I am hopeful that the undecideds in the key swing states aren't dragged down to that level. If not, Harris should win the swing states. If they are dragged down into the muck of vitriol, the convict may avoid prison for the next four years (and the world will go to "hell in a handbasket").
Which is why I am not discussing this with most people on this board. I'm either preaching to the choir, and beating my head against a wall (with partisan goggles on). Either way, a waste of time. Albaby, and a few others, provide more insight and topics for probing about the minutiae of the campaigns. Which is why I discuss that with them (or you, in this post). It won't affect my vote, or ultimately the outcome next week, but it is interesting from an academic point of view.