Subject: Re: Priorities
They care about the economy.

No they don't. If they did, they'd be all for current policies, because the economy is firing on all cylinders. The "it's the economy, stupid" really only applies to the here-and-now. Voters have very short memories (actually, even non-voters...people in general). It killed Carter in 1980 (that, and Iran hostages).

Is the economy producing jobs? Is the market near all-time highs? Have wages been going up more than inflation (for the first time in a while)? All of that is "yes". Are you better off than four years ago? A resounding yes. Though I have heard a few ads with ominous music talking about how horrible the economy is, but that is factually incorrect. The right-wing propaganda machine is trying -with some success- to convince Americans otherwise, but objectively things are much better than 4 years ago. Plus the deficit is down (for the budget hawks).

When the economy is going well, then I think other issues move to the front. Harris -correctly- is emphasizing the prior tax cuts benefiting the convict and his billionaire buddies, and contrasting that with the plan to cut taxes on lower-income (i.e. not billionaires) people. I think people are really looking at the perceived insecurity of our borders, and that's what's harming her most. Of course, the right-wing propaganda machine (henceforth, the "RWPM") is really going after that. And the reason that hurts is because it is partially true. It's difficult to refute the numbers, and most people don't have the patience to get into the weeds about asylum, the Geneva Convention, current US law, and similar. Harris' campaign needs to hit on being "tough, but fair and humane" on border policy.

I think that is driving support for the convict far more than the economy. People overall are doing well, so the economy shouldn't have as much traction as a few other issues. Most of the road signs I see that have more than "[convict] 2024" mention "secure the borders". That's the major issue for a lot of people. Not the economy.