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Join us in a standing ovation for our top 10 authors! Their dedication and positivity have made a tremendous impact on our community. Bravo!


elann (6996)


lohill (5104)


mungofitch (4932)


commonone (4170)
WatchingTheHerd (4100)
albaby1 (3456)
Manlobbi (3298)
Umm (2772)
Goofyhoofy (2656)
iluvbabyb (2400)

The number in brackets is the HONORARY SHREWD RANKING, which is calculated as:

(square root of the number of words typed the last year) * (average post recommendation the last year).

This great celebration takes place on the 15th of March, June, September and December.

8-pointed star, Shrewdness surpassed 8.

Other Shrewdness-Stars

Shrewdness-Star medals are awarded to the oustanding authors having a Shrewdness of 3 or above. Shrewdness is the average number of post recommendations that you received over the last trailing 12 months.

Clicking on the author's name whilst reading a post will show their details page, and their particular Shrewdness.

A new Shrewdness-Star medal is provided for the following levels of Shrewdness: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 16, plus mystery medals at higher levels. The number of points in the star's shape always matches its own Shrewdness!


Shrewdness of 3 was surpassed

Shrewdness of 4 was surpassed

Shrewdness of 5 was surpassed

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