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- Manlobbi
12-pointed star, Shrewdness surpassed 12. ✹Other Shrewdness-StarsShrewdness-Star medals are awarded to the oustanding authors having a Shrewdness of 3 or above. Shrewdness is the
average number of post recommendations that you received over the last trailing 12 months. Clicking on the author's name whilst reading a post will show their details page, and their particular Shrewdness.
A new Shrewdness-Star medal is provided for the following levels of Shrewdness:
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 and
16, plus mystery medals at higher levels. The number of points in the star's shape always matches its own Shrewdness!
Examples⎊ Shrewdness of
3 was surpassed
✧ Shrewdness of
4 was surpassed
✭ Shrewdness of
5 was surpassed