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100 most recent posts by VelcherShrewdness 4
  Author Board Recs Date
Re: OT for Jim: ANCTF
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway103/01/2025
OT for Jim: ANCTF
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway103/01/2025
Re: Should I change how I invest? Confused in the U
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway2111/06/2024
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway105/09/2024
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway-05/08/2024
Re: Hoping for the longest possible answer from Jim
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway307/24/2023
Re: Hoping for the longest possible answer from Jim
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway-07/23/2023
Re: Hoping for the longest possible answer from Jim
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway107/23/2023
Hoping for the longest possible answer from Jim
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway107/23/2023
Re: OT: Question on selling
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway107/15/2023
Re: OT: Question on selling
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway207/14/2023
Somebody is wantin' them some A shares today
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway-06/15/2023
Re: T&T results YTD?
VelcherBerkshire Hathaway112/28/2022

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