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- Manlobbi
Investment Strategies / Mechanical InvestingMechanical Investing Shrewd'm FAQMechanical Investing - Frequently Asked Questions, Startup Guide
Guide to MI (v2):
Screen Definitions1. StockInvestor Pro screens (in the Gritton backtester): VL screen definitions:
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3. Guide to fields & usage in screen definitions:
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The BacktestersFull reference guides to GTR1 and the Helper app.
Timing MethodsBrutal bear markets in 2001-3 and 2007-9 taught a hard lesson: there are times when everything loses. Having defenses against significant portfolio drawdowns is critical.
Best of, AnnuallyThrough September 2021, use the Datahelper link, put in 'the' in message body, and sort the results by Recs. Board SearchSearch the history of MI (an actual search tool that works)